Hi Everyone,
Well the PSLE Oral examinations begin tomorrow. We would like to wish all students the very best for the exam. I’m sure that as you wake up tomorrow morning, you’re going to feel a lot of pressure and nervous energy so I felt that some last minute tips on how to prepare for the Oral Examination will be helpful for you.
- Drink water 15 minutes before the exam.
When you get nervous before the oral examination, you will tend to get dry mouth — that scratchy feeling where it’s hard to swallow. So if you can, start drinking some water 15 minutes before your exam begins. This will help moisten your throat and prevent you from having that dry scratchy feeling in your throat that often happens when you get nervous.
- Psych yourself up, not out.
Negative self-doubt can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. So as you wait for your turn at the oral examination, STOP thinking, “What if I mess up?” Think more like an athlete before a big event. Psych yourself up with phrases like, “I’m so excited!” “I’m gonna be great!” “I can’t wait to share my voice with my examiners!” Basically, whatever key phrase makes you feel confident. “Even just thinking the phrase “I can do it!” over and over and you’ll soon feel how that thought enters your body and boosts your confidence”.
- Focus on your breath when you feel the adrenaline.
What should you do if you feel the panic of nerves? Breeeeeathe… extending the sound as you breath out. Most people are often not aware of how shallow our breath becomes when weʼre nervous or stressed. Take three or four conscious, evenly-paced, smooth and deep inhalations and exhalations. Let your tummy go and let the breath go all the way down into your stomach. This can center your energy, lower your heart rate and help you focus your thoughts.
Good Luck for your Oral Examination and may Your Voice be with you!
Have a great day and keep visiting us for more updates, tips and tricks .
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