In preparing for the future, it is important that students not only know which words and tenses to use, but they need to know how to articulate them.
The allocation of marks in the O-Level oral component alone constitutes 20% of the total assessment. Over the years, there has been a growing emphasis on the oral component of language examinations. Excelling in the written components of the English examination alone isn’t sufficient. Students are expected to be proficient communicators. If you break down the time taken versus the marks allocated for the English examination, you will find that the Oral component takes up the highest allocation, in terms of percentage allocated per minute of examination time – as high as 2% per minute for Oral, versus 0.22% to 0.4% per minute for the other papers.
Speaking well not only makes the difference between passing your Oral Examination, and passing it well, it is also a life-skill that will stay with you throughout your future career.
The ‘Speaking Well – Secondary School Oral Program’ will help students understand the difference between diction and articulation, project confidence and open the door to a successful future. Make people want and enjoy listening to you.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Speak more clearly and have improved articulation
- Improve on the smoothness of the delivery of their speech
- Understand their “instrument” how to better use it
- Be better public speakers
- Be confident
Contact us to discuss how our program will help your child BE THE VOICE.

Hi Brian, just to share that Matthew was the shool prayer leader today and the principal was so impressed that he asked Matthew to be one of the presenters for his school’s Founder’s day. His lessons have really made a difference. Thank you…..
BE THE VOICE helped my son prepare for this English oral examination. My son was so mativated to learn to speak well. As a result. he scored the highest mark for his oral exam at another enricment class that he attends. He now confidently leads his entire school in morning assembly. I am so inpressed…
Zhi Wen enjoyed the lessons conducted by you very much, so thanks again for making the lessons interesting and enjoyable. My Sec 4 daughter is also interested to join your GCE Oral course (if any) after hearing ZhiWen’s feedback…..
Contact us for a no-obligation analysis on

No18 Capitol, Suite 248
Singapore 178905


Whattsapp: (+65) 9675 7095

Friday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 9am – 1pm
Sunday and Monday: Closed