Last week I shared on how we should find one or 2 foundational points and keep hammering them home during your interview. We continue sharing on how learning simple techniques can certainly help one achieve a successful DSA interview. So here goes…
You’re going to want to try and prepare yourself for absolutely everything and anything interviewers could throw at you, trying to anticipate all of the different questions that they may ask you during the DSA interview.
During your DSA interview preparation, it’s a good idea to write down these questions and then come up with preemptive answers, circling around to those core foundational issues or points that we talked about last week.
In coming up with those answers, prepare a short version and a long version. The short one should just be short pointers and give a general overview of what you’re trying to say. The long version should go into more details. This will enable you to have some control over which direction the DSA interview heads towards.
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